The Jefferson Park United Friends of the HPOZ (Historic Preservation Overlay Zone) is an award winning group of community volunteers who reside in the Jefferson Park HPOZ. We share information with current residents, new owners, and investors about the benefits and responsibilities of living in and/or owning property within the HPOZ. We work to celebrate and preserve the cultural history, historic resources, and architectural landmarks of the Jefferson Park HPOZ, and through our activities we strive to foster a greater sense of community.
Some of the activities of the Friends of the HPOZ include: manufacture and installation of the large historic district markers at major entries into the HPOZ, and of the historic district signs above the street signs at all entries into the HPOZ; design and distribution to all residents of a poster suitable for framing celebrating the HPOZ; assembly and distribution of welcome packets to all new residents; walking tours; creation of this website; and creation and support of the Historic Jefferson Park Facebook page that currently has over 700 members. (If you are not yet a member, please join!) A future goal is the expansion of the historic district signs project to include all street signs in the HPOZ.
Jefferson Park United Friends of the HPOZ received a Community Outreach Award from the City of Los Angeles at the 2016 Los Angeles Historic Neighborhoods Conference sponsored by the Los Angeles Department of City Planning and the Los Angeles Conservancy in partnership with the West Adams Heritage Association: “in recognition of excellence in Community Outreach by promoting education, fostering neighborhood pride, encouraging public participation and ensuring inclusivity in the Jefferson Park HPOZ.”
If you would like to join the Jefferson Park United Friends of the HPOZ and become active in our HPOZ community, please email us at historicjeffersonpark@gmail.com

Are you interested in building community?
Are you interested in historic preservation?
Are you interested in the amazing cultural history of Jefferson Park?
Are you interested in the storied collection of Arts and Crafts houses of Jefferson Park, thought to be one of the largest in the country?
Are you a current or former resident of the Jefferson Park HPOZ?
Then Friends of the Jefferson Park HPOZ is for you!