This Preservation Plan is a City Planning Commission approved document which governs the Jefferson Park Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ). The plan aims to create a clear and predictable set of expectations as to the design and review of proposed projects within the district. This plan has been prepared specifi cally for this HPOZ to clarify and elaborate upon the review criteria established under the HPOZ Ordinance.
The Jefferson Park Preservation Plan serves as an implementation tool of both the South Los Angeles Community Plan and the West AdamsBaldwin Hills-Leimert Park Community Plan (both parts of the land use element of the City’s General Plan). HPOZs are one of many types of overlay districts, policies, and programs that serve to advance the goals and objectives of the Community Plan.
The Jefferson Park Preservation Plan outlines design guidelines for the rehabilitation and restoration of structures, natural features, landscape and the public realm including streets, parks, street trees, and other types of development within the HPOZ. The Preservation Plan also serves as an educational tool for both existing and potential property owners, residents, and investors, and will be used by the general public to learn more about the HPOZ. The Preservation Plan is available to property owners and residents within the HPOZ, and should be reviewed by the HPOZ Board every two years.
The Jefferson Park HPOZ Board will make recommendations and decisions based on this document. Similarly, the Department of City Planning will use this document as the basis for its determinations when reviewing projects in the HPOZ. The Preservation Plan articulates the community’s vision and goals regarding the HPOZ by setting clear guidelines for the development of properties within the district.
All HPOZs in the City are administered by a local board comprised of five members appointed by the Mayor, the Council member, the Cultural Heritage Commission and the Board at-large. These members are appointed because they have expertise in historic preservation, architecture, real estate and construction. The HPOZ Ordinance requires that the HPOZ Board make all decisions related to maintenance, repair, restoration and minor alterations to a property (work defi ned as “Conforming Work”), with the exception of those decisions that the Board has either exempted from review or delegated to the Director of Planning (see Sections 3.5 and 3.6). The HPOZ Board serves as an advisory body to the Department of City Planning related to new construction, large additions and major alterations or rehabilitation projects. In addition to their role as a decision making body, the HPOZ Board assists in the updating of the Historic Resources Survey (see Chapter 5) as well as the 10 Preservation Plan. The HPOZ Board is an educational resource with unique experience and expertise both in historic preservation practices and in the rich history of this culturally and architecturally signi fi cant neighborhood.
In an effort to encourage property owners to comply with the Preservation Plan guidelines and facilitate a streamlined review of simple maintenance, repair and restoration projects, review of many types of Conforming Work projects have been delegated by the HPOZ Board to the Director of Planning. For many types of work applicants can contact Planning staff and have their projects reviewed once the appropriate application materials have been received instead of being agendized for an HPOZ Board meeting. However, most types of work on a property that involve a discernible change to the structure or site will require HPOZ Board review. Applicants may always seek consultation with the HPOZ Board, regardless of the type of work involved or the assigned decision-maker. The list of projects that are either exempt from review or delegated to the Director of Planning for decision is provided in Sections 3.5 and 3.6.
Each Preservation Plan is required to contain seven elements: The Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives, Function of the Plan, the Context Statement, the Historic Resources Survey, Design Guidelines, and the Preservation Incentives/Adaptive reuse policies located in the Appendix.
Chapter 1 - Mission Statement: Establishes the community’s vision for the Preservation Plan.
Chapter 2 - Goals and Objectives: States the goals for this plan and offers specific programs or actions as the means to accomplish these goals.
Chapter 3 - Function of the Plan: Reviews the role, organization, and process of the Preservation Plan.
Chapter 4 - Context Statement: Outlines the history and significance of the community’s development.
Chapter 5 - Historic Resources Survey: Identifies all Contributing and Non-Contributing structures and includes Contributing landscaping, natural features and sites, and vacant lots.
Chapter 6 - Architectural Styles: Provides an explanation of architectural styles and building types that are relevant to the neighborhood.
Chapter 7 - Residential Rehabilitation: Provides guidelines related to the maintenance, repair and minor rehabilitation of existing sites and structures. 11 Preservation Plan
Chapter 8: Residential Additions: Provides guidelines related to additions and secondary structures.
Chapter 9: Residential In-fi ll: Provides guidelines for building new residential structures in an HPOZ.
Chapter 10: Commercial Rehabilitation: Provides guidelines related to the maintenance, repair and minor rehabilitation of existing sites and structures along Commercially designated streets such as Jefferson Boulevard and Western Avenue.
Chapter 11: Commercial In-fi ll: Provides guidelines for building new commercial, mixed-use and institutional buildings in an HPOZ.
Chapter 12: Public Realm: Provides guidelines related to streets, alleys, walkways, public spaces and parks. Chapter 13: Definitions: Provides definitions for the various technical and architectural terms used throughout this document.
An appendix of other useful information is found at the back of this Plan. This appendix includes a compilation of preservation incentives and adaptive reuse policies, process charts, and the HPOZ Ordinance.
In an HPOZ, any work that involves the exterior of a property, including both the building and the site, is required to be reviewed—even though the work may not require other permits such as a building permit. The Historic Preservation Overlay Zone has different review processes for different types of projects within the HPOZ. For more information on which review type is appropriate for a certain project, consult with staff at the Department of City Planning’s Offi ce of Historic Resources.
Consultation with your HPOZ Board prior to the development of complete plans may be a valuable step in planning an appropriate and cost-effective project. The HPOZ Board can offer up-front guidance that may streamline the review process for work on both Contributing and Non-contributing properties. The HPOZ Board can also provide valuable input on resources and design that may help a project achieve the goals of the Preservation Plan.
While the specific thresholds for different types of project review are found in the HPOZ Ordinance (Section 12.20.3 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code), the following is intended as a helpful guide:
Conforming Work: Work that generally consists of maintenance, repair, obvious restoration and other similar activity is considered Conforming Work. Conforming Work is given an expedient review process, and many Conforming Work projects can be reviewed administratively by Department of City Planning staff. Conforming 12 Work projects do not require the fi ling of a formal application, nor do they require the payment of application fees.
Certificate of Appropriateness: A Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is required when significant work is proposed for a Contributing element in the HPOZ. COA projects often involve additions, removal of significant features, or substantial work to visible portions of a building or site. A COA requires that a formal application be fi led with the Department of City Planning. The HPOZ Board will conduct a public hearing and submit a recommendation to the Director of Planning, who will also consider input from the Cultural Heritage Commission regarding the project.
Certificate of Compatibility: A Certificate of Compatibility (CCMP) is required for the review of new construction on vacant lots or on lots where a Non-contributor is proposed for demolition or replacement. A CCMP also requires that a formal application be fi led with the Department of City Planning. The HPOZ Board will conduct a public hearing and submit a recommendation to the Director of Planning.
As instructed by the City Planning Commission, and City Council (notwithstanding LAMC 12.20.3 to the contrary), the following types of work are exempt from HPOZ review in the Jefferson Park HPOZ (unless the work is located in the public right-of-way).
1. Interior alterations that do not result in a change to an exterior feature.
2. The correction of Emergency or Hazardous conditions where a City enforcement agency has determined that such conditions currently exist and they must be corrected in the interest of public health, safety and welfare. When feasible, the City agencies should consult with the Planning Department on how to correct the hazardous conditions consistent with the Preservation Plan.
3. Department of Public Works improvements where the Director finds that a) The certified Historic Resources Survey for the Preservation Zone does not identify any Contributing Elements located within the Right-of-Way and/or where the Right-of-Way is not specifically addressed in the Preservation Plan; and b) Where the Department of Public Works has completed a CEQA review of the proposed improvement and the review has determined that the work is exempt from CEQA, or will have no potentially significant environmental impacts (the HPOZ Board shall be notified of such Projects, given a Project description and an opportunity to comment)
4. Alterations to City Historic-Cultural Monuments and properties under an approved Historical Property (Mills Act) Contract; chapter 13 Preservation Plan
5. Work specifically authorized by a Historical Property Contract approved by the City Council.
6. Rear yard (non-corner lots only) landscape/hardscape work that is not visible from the street and that does not involve the removal of a mature tree or a feature identified in the historic resources survey.
7. Landscape work in front and side yards, not including: hardscape work; installation of artificial turf; installation of fences or hedges; planting of new trees; removal/pruning of any mature tree or work on any feature identified in the historic resources survey. Additionally, landscapes where more than 40% of the front yard area is bereft of planting are not exempt.
8. Installation or repair of in-ground swimming pools located in the rear yard on non-corner lots.
9. Rear yard grading and earth work on Non-Hillside lots as determined by the LAMC.
10. Installation and expansion of rear patios or decks that are no higher than 5 feet above finish grade (including railings), not including balconies, roof structures, trellises, gazebos or other similar structures.
11. Installation, replacement or repair of mechanical equipment that is located within the rear yard area.
12. Installation of lighting devices on facades that are not visible from the street.
13. Exterior painting with no change from existing paint colors.
14. Maintenance and repair of existing foundations with no physical change to the exterior.
15. Removal of security grilles and/or gates that were installed outside of the Period of Significance.
16. Removal of fences that were installed outside of the Period of Significance.
17. Installation or repair of fences, walls, and hedges in the rear and side yards (excluding street-fronting fences on side-yards at corner lots) that do not require a Zoning Administrator’s approval for height or location;
In the Jefferson Park HPOZ, the review of the following types of work is delegated to the Director of Planning and therefore shall not require review by the HPOZ Board, but the HPOZ Board shall receive a timely notice of the Director of Planning’s action or decision. The Director of Planning shall utilize the Design Guidelines contained within this Preservation Plan to determine whether the proposed project may be found to be Conforming Work. Projects that do not comply with the Design Guidelines, or that involve an existing enforcement case with the Department of Building and Safety or the Housing Department, or otherwise involve a request for approval of work that was performed without appropriate approval, shall be brought before the HPOZ Board for review and consideration, either as Conforming Work or as requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness or Certificate of Compatibility. Furthermore, the Director of Planning may require that projects be reviewed by the HPOZ Board where compliance with the Preservation Plan guidelines is not readily discernible and the project would consequently bene fi t from review by the HPOZ Board.
1. Pruning of mature trees and the installation of new trees.
2. In-kind hardscape replacement within the front yard (driveway, walkways, etc) that does not expand the hardscape footprint.
3. Exterior painting involving new paint colors and not including paint applied to previously unpainted surfaces such as stone, masonry or stained wood.
4. Ordinary maintenance and repair (including in-kind replacement) to correct deterioration or decay, that does not involve a change in the existing design, materials or exterior paint color.
5. Roof repairs including re-roofing of fl at roofs within parapets (where coping will not be affected), repairs to roof decking where existing tile or shingles will be re-used, or in-kind replacement of roof materials such as asphalt shingles or clay tiles. Work must not result in the removal or destruction of roof details such as fascia, eaves, brackets, rafter tails, etc.
6. Removal of non-historic stucco, asbestos shingles, vinyl siding or other similar materials, when underlying historic materials can be repaired or replaced in-kind. Where evidence of original materials is unclear, work shall be deferred to the HPOZ Board for review.
7. Installation of screen doors or windows that do not obscure the actual door or window.
8. Replacement of non-original windows with windows that match the originals, when examples of original windows still exist on the structure; 15 Preservation Plan.
9. Construction or installation of ramps, railings, lifts, etc., on any non-visible elevation of a building intended to allow for accessibility.
10. Any alterations to a structure that is identified as Non-Contributing in the Historic Resources Survey, not including alteration to the roof profile, the enclosure of a front porch, the addition of hardscape in the front yard area or the construction of a front yard fence. Alterations do not include additions (see No. 12), new construction, relocation or demolition.
11. Additions of less than 250 square feet to any Contributing building or structure, where the addition does not break the side-planes or roofline of the existing structure, is contained completely within the rear yard and is not visible from the street.
12. Additions to Non-Contributing structures that increase the square footage by less than 30% of the existing square footage (as determined by LADBS) when the addition does not affect the front façade of the structure or break the side and top planes of the structure or otherwise alter the publicly visible roof profile.
13. Alterations to façade openings, such as new doors or windows, to portions of a structure that are not visible from the street.
14. Installation of gates that, when closed, are parallel to, and visible from, the street.
15. Installation or repair of solar collectors, skylights, antennas, satellite dishes, and broadband internet systems on rear-facing facades/roof surfaces or garage roofs that are not visible from the street.
16. Installation of window security bars or grills, located on facades that are not visible from the street.
17. Repair or replacement of gutters and downspouts.
The Department of City Planning recognizes that a property can be seen from multiple vantage points (not just the front elevation), and prioritizes matters of visibility as they relate to the general public. All questions of visibility are to be determined by Department of City Planning staff. For the purposes of this Plan, visibility includes all portions of the front and side elevations that are visible from the adjacent street or sidewalk or that would be visible but are currently obscured by landscaping. It also includes undeveloped portions of a lot where new construction or additions would be visible from the adjacent street or sidewalk, such as the street-side side yard on a corner lot and the front yard. Finally, construction or additions to areas that are not currently visible but that will become visible following the construction or addition will be considered visible and reviewed accordingly.
A street visible façade excludes those portions of the side elevations that are not visible from the adjacent street or sidewalk and all rear 16 elevations. A street visible façade may also include side and rear facades that are generally visible from a non-adjacent street due to steep topography, or second stories that are visible over adjacent one story structures, etc.
Projects requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness or Compatibility shall not have any part of their applications be exempt or delegated.
The Department of City Planning retains the authority to refer any delegated project to the Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) Board for a recommendation when compliance with the adopted design guidelines is unclear.
Any alteration of, addition of less than 250 square feet to, or demolition of an existing detached accessory structure, on a parcel that has been designated as a Contributor in the HPOZ, shall be reviewed as a Conforming Work by the HPOZ Board if it can be demonstrated that the accessory structure was built outside of the Period of Significance for the HPOZ. If it cannot be demonstrated that the accessory structure was built outside of the Period of Significance, the proposed work shall be addressed through a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness pursuant to 12.20.3 K.4, provided that the Director of Planning, having weighed recommendations from the HPOZ Board and the Cultural Heritage Commission, can find the following:
1. That the alteration, addition to, or demolition of the accessory structure will not degrade the primary structure’s status as a Contributor in the HPOZ because the accessory structure is not visible to the general public; or is minimally visible to the general public
2. That the alteration, addition to, or demolition of the accessory structure will not degrade the primary structure’s status as a Contributor in the HPOZ because the accessory structure does not possess physical or architectural qualities that are otherwise found on the primary structure or that constitute cultural or architectural significance in their own right
3. That the accessory structure’s primary historical use has been for the storage of automobiles (i.e. a garage), or household items (i.e. a tool shed, garden shed, etc.).
All properties must comply with parking standards set forth in the Los Angeles Municipal Code.